Most people who want to lose weight know they have to incorporate some sort of exercise program to reach their weight loss goals. Often, though, various fears and concerns make the prospect of beginning a weight loss exercise plan seem daunting. Here are a few tips and strategies to start you in the right direction.
First, to steal a line from Nike, Just Do It! You don't have to jump into a 2 hour a day routine at the local health spa, or sign up for a 10K next week. But you do have to start. And it's okay to start slow! Ten minutes a day is better than none. And exercise actually increases your energy, so it won't be long before you're up to 15 minutes a day, and then maybe even 20!
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If you are a beginner or if you've been inactive for a long time, you may want to start with something simple like walking. And if you're so out of shape that walking to the end of your driveway wears you out, that's okay. Just Do It! And tomorrow, do it again. And the next day. The key to successful weight loss exercise is consistency. Make a habit, and commit to going a little farther each day. Within a month, you'll be down to the end of your street!
Many people say they don't have time to exercise. Again, ANY exercise is BETTER than NO exercise. And don't limit your idea of exercise to running, sports, or lifting weights. Any movement can be beneficial, especially if you're just starting out. Sweeping the sidewalk, washing the car, cutting the grass, virtually anything that requires you to use your body can help you lose weight. A big secret to a successful weight loss exercise program is making it fun. Picking an activity that you enjoy will make it seem like less of a chore. Walking with the family, dancing, even bowling can constitute a weight loss workout.
Mixing and matching is another great way to keep things fresh. Maybe you bowl on Wednesdays, dance on Fridays, and bike with the kids on Sunday afternoons. Whatever it is, enjoy it, and feel the pride of knowing you're following through on your weight loss plan!
Some people tell me they're too embarrassed by their bodies to join a gym. Whatever shape you're in, be assured that there are THOUSANDS of people in the same condition trying to get fit also. Feel good about yourself, and the fact that you are taking steps to lose weight and exercise. Sign up for a program with people at your fitness level. Set small goals and work towards them. Achieving even the smallest success will help fuel your desire and keep you motivated.
Whatever your weight loss goals, there's an exercise program that is right for you. Just remember to start slow - but start TODAY!
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