Weight Loss Diet Myths

Americans are very confused about healthy weight loss, according to a report released by the National Institute of Health's Weight-Control Information Network. Dietary myths have been passed on for generations, and the problem is compounded by the marketing efforts of food manufacturers and the multitude of diet pills, quick weight loss fad diets and bariatric surgery.

Healthy weight loss is as much about establishing a proper psychological mindset as it is reducing calories and physical activity. It's essential to incorporate both the mental and physical aspects to achieve a new lifestyle, allowing you to drop weight and keep it off permanently. By understanding that marketing hype and wives tales are not in your best interest, you'll be able to move forward toward a sustainable weight loss goal.

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Myth 1: Crazy Fad Diets Work for Permanent Weight Loss

Everybody has seen the ads screaming 'Lose 30 pounds in 30 days!' They appeal to our fast paced lifestyle, thinking we can just pop a few fat burning pills or eat only grapefruit for a week. This is the ultimate myth, yet it's the top reason that permanent weight loss is not achieved. There is no pill, food group or scalpel which will provide you with an easy road to weight loss. Only a reduced calorie diet, balanced with plenty of vegetables, proteins and healthy fats and regular exercise have been proven to deliver permanent results.

Myth 2. Low Fat Dieting is the Healthy Way to Lose Weight

This myth continues to be the leading cause of heart disease, stroke and diabetes today. Based on faulty research by Ancel Keys back in the 1950's, we have been led to believe that fat is our enemy. Research has disproven this fallacy repeatedly, yet the driving force to market pharmaceuticals (statins) keeps this myth alive and well.

Fats are required for most cellular functions, and transport many nutrients throughout the body. The important point is to avoid all synthetic 'trans-fats' which are artificially produced or created by overheating oils in cooking. Stick with fat in its natural state, opting for oils such as extra virgin olive oil, coconut and walnut, and reduce your risk of a heart attack.

Myth 3. Skipping Meals is a Good Way to Lose Weight

This myth sounds like common sense. Eating less food will lead to less calories consumed and lower weight. The problem with this logic is that it undermines the intricate engine which is our metabolism. Your body has become accustomed to a certain number of calories each day.

Eliminating one meal will cause snacking between meals to make up for the difference. You don't even realize it's happening, until the plan backfires. Always eat three reduced calorie, balanced meals each day, and be sure to include a solid protein source with breakfast to properly rev up your fat burning metabolism for the day.

Many people follow a poor dietary lifestyle which includes these and many other faulty myths concerning weight loss. In the weight loss battle, there's no magic pill, potion, food or surgical procedure which will deliver the trim body you desire.

Only structured discipline and effort will provide permanent weight loss. Clear your mind of all the diet myths, and commit to a new lifestyle including all healthy food groups and regular exercise. Dump the processed carbs, sugary soft drinks and fried foods, and you'll find your true weight loss reward.

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