Nobody likes being overweight. But have you ever thought of starting a blog to document your weight loss progress? In this article we will discuss why having your own weight loss blog can be a great aid to motivating you to lose weight.
After reading this article you will have a good idea of why starting your own dieting blog is a great idea to both document your diet and to give you encouragement in sticking to it.
It's easy to set up a blog, you can get yourself one by going to WordPress.com or blogger.com, you can be up and running in five minutes.
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Once you have a blog you must make a promise to yourself that you will update it every day with the details of your weight loss progress. This will make you accountable to yourself for your diet. You will also have in writing what you have achieved which will encourage you to continue with your weight loss program.
You can link your weight loss blog to your social networking profiles. Perhaps you have a page on Facebook or MySpace or you like to use Twitter to keep your friends updated on what you are doing.
Tell your friends and family that you are starting an online journal or weblog to document your dieting progress. This will make you accountable to other people besides yourself. You will find that they may post supportive comments which can encourage you to continue with your diet.
You may even make new friends through your online journal who are also interested in dieting and who will use your online journal for inspiration. If you find any useful information about losing weight during your diet you can post this to your blog so that you'll be helping out other people too.
Take a photo of yourself before you begin your weight loss program and post it on your blog. You can then post update photographs so you will be able to visually see how much weight you have lost. This will also show all your friends and relatives just how well you are progressing.
In conclusion, if you are thinking of breaking your diet or overeating, your dieting blog will help you to keep going. It will also be fun to look back on when you have achieved your target weight so that when people ask you how did you do it? You will be able to tell them to go and visit your weight loss blog to see just how you achieved your perfect figure and lost weight successfully.
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