The number of overweight people in the United States alone has climbed well into the millions. No matter which age category, which ethnicity or which socio-economic group you look into, the number is growing at an alarming rate. Obesity is not just a problem with looks or vanity. It is a serious health problem that can cause a number of complications. It is a condition that is formally recognized as an illness, and some insurance companies even count obesity as a preexisting condition when it comes to changing, upgrading or buying insurance.
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Weight loss surgery was considered to be a cosmetic procedure not too long ago, which meant that insurance policies would not cover it. As the rate of obesity grew, however, more and more insurance companies included weight loss surgery in their policies. The complications that could develop from unchecked weight gain could end up costing both insurer and insured a great deal more money in the long run. Some insurance companies placed some limits on their coverage of weight loss surgery, but most will cover the surgery and at least a portion of the recovery care.
Weight loss surgery comes in three stages: preparation, surgery and follow up. Each of these stages will mean a major shift in your lifestyle. No surgery is without risk, and that should be taken into consideration, but weight loss surgery is in a slightly different category in that it requires big changes that will last for the rest of your life.
Learn all that you can about the surgery before even arranging to have it done. Learn about the doctor performing the procedure to make sure that he's experienced in this sort of surgery. You will have to be both physically and mentally ready for the surgery and the changes that you will have to make. Do some research on the exact mechanism of the surgery, what kind of foods you should eat, how you will have to eat and what you will be allowed to eat once the surgery is done. A support system is absolutely necessary, made up of people who have gone through the surgery experience. They'll know exactly what you will go through and be able to help you through it. Check online message boards and forums to find a group in your area.
Those who are extremely overweight will have to lose weight even prior to the surgery. If this is the case, your surgeon will inform you beforehand what needs to be done. The types of weight loss surgery vary. Some of them are even temporary or adjustable. Whatever type of weight loss surgery is the best fit for you will be decided by your surgeon.
Weight loss surgery is not the ultimate solution. It won't make its recipient instantly thin with little or no effort. Nothing can solve a problem as difficult and persistent as chronic obesity with such ease. It is just a step on the path to a healthy lifestyle - one of many steps. You will have to change your daily habits in a drastic manner, and that is not easy for anyone to do.
Knowledge of nutrition is going to become very important. It was a good thing to know about before the surgery, but it will be absolutely necessary afterward. Post-surgery, every bite of food will count since you will only be able to consume a few ounces at a time. Most people drink liquids with their meals, but after weight loss surgery, you won't be able to do this anymore. Food and drink have to be taken separately. Liquids, and that includes any medications or supplements, need to be taken thirty minutes before or after a meal.
As said before, the surgery is just one part of a whole lifelong process. Some may even consider it to be the least difficult part. Afterward, you will have to be completely and utterly committed to changing the way that you eat. Once you are no longer in the hospital being given the food you must eat, you'll be on your own. Use every scrap of willpower and every method of defense you have, because you're going to need them. If you lack self-control and attempt to eat something that you shouldn't, you could pop the staples or rupture your stomach, which can lead to infections or even death. Undergoing this surgery is not to be taken lightly.
It isn't just how much you eat, but what you eat that will have to change. You can't just eat a little bit of pizza or a couple of fries and call it good. What you eat really has to give you the nutrition that you need to live and be healthy. Without the supplements that you'll need after the surgery, you will develop major deficiencies of certain vitamins and minerals that are vital to your body.
Exercise is just about as important as nutrition. It may be a pain at first, but you will soon begin to see the results. Your weight loss, for instance, will be much faster. Exercise will also tone up the muscles under your skin, which in turn will help to prevent your skin from sagging once your excess weight begins to diminish. This is a topic that you should talk to your physician about, because this is a common occurrence for those who drop a lot of weight in a relatively short period of time. Sometimes, there is so much skin left hanging that a second surgery will be required. While the initial weight loss surgery may be covered by insurance, follow-up surgery like this is generally uncovered, unless the sagging skin somehow causes functional problems.
Weight loss surgery is a big step to take, but it may end up being one of the best things that you ever do for yourself, given proper preparation. Use supplements to get ready. After the surgery, you'll need protein more than ever, so keep taking a protein supplement in order to keep your protein intake high.
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