Almost everyone are constantly probing for weight loss methods to reduce their pounds but their intentions of having immediate results could be merely a dream. An effective and everlasting way of losing weight can never be done instantaneously, depending on each individual. Somehow there are few tips tried and proven that may abet the progress.
Tip #1 - Envision Your Success
Visualizing can help you keep track of your goal. Once, a man visualized himself in the ideal body of a picture in a magazine every day before he went to bed. His daily visualizing indeed made wonders to him with astonishing results. It took him 3 months before he literally transformed into the body figure similar to that in the magazine. Michelangelo is undeniably true with his quote: "What I desire, I must first imagine. What I imagine, I create".
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Tip #2 - Daily Journal
Penning down your food consumption every day could be the pathway to keep you reminded of your goal. A record of your daily activities, food intake and emotional sentiments may help to discover the cause to your overeating or weight gain. It may sound ridiculous but when you notice you should pen down what you eat, even the tastiest food may turn your appetite off. According to the National Weight Control Registry, most dieters practice journalling before succeeding their plan.
Advice: Make a habit of submitting your food journal at least once a day. You can also do it few times a day if you tend to forget what you eat. Then your journal will be the reference of your food intake for further analysis and feedback.
Tip #3 - Select Appropriate Food Portion
The size of your food portion could be one important key towards managing your food intake. USDA has information stating that the average sum of daily calorie consumption has soared 148 calories during the past 20 years. Statistically, this figure accounts to an additional 15 lbs. annually. Perhaps a coherent approach of using a standard size to judge the food portion will be a good idea.
Advice: Take the slow step of chewing your food longer to allow your brain to sense your stomach's fullness.
Tip #4 - Exercise
Daily exercise is the biggest contributor to restrain your appetite and burn calories. According to the National Academy of Sciences, the best recommendation is a 30-minute vigorous exercise along with an additional 30-minute of living activities daily. The Journal of American College of Nutrition revealed a study claiming that one can enjoy the benefits of 10-minute increments equivalent to 30 minutes of constant exercise.
Advice: 30 minutes of daily exercise for 5 days a week is the best workout.
Tip #5 - Select Healthy Meals
You can try out the variety of seasonings, the best cooking method or different vegetables to decide upon what is best for you before you start your diet plan. A good planning will help to avoid messy decisions and you will have an advanced supply of food to kick off towards your goal. Shopping once a week is rather significant as running out of good food will have you eating inappropriately. Containers such as jugs, bottles and a cooler will be handy to store your food within reach.
Advice: Do not allow hunger to wait. Tiny healthy snacks are better than an empty stomach. A good breakfast can help to keep your hunger under control. Besides, water is also great to help reduce your food portions.
Tip #6 - Breakfast Is Essential
Breakfast is the best day starter. As claimed by the National Weight Control Registry, breakfast is one of the fundamental keys towards permanent diet. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition had studies revealing those who take nourishing breakfast are slimmer than those who skip breakfast.
This may be hilarious but early meals will help to maintain hormone and glucose levels and trigger your metabolism to burn more calories. Human body applies the circadian rhythm - foods eaten at different times of the day are processed differently. Fat and protein taken during breakfast will provide energy but the same foods taken during dinner will lead to weight gain.
Advice: Breakfast is a must - not taking breakfast will have you binging more lately in the day.
Tip #7 - Six Meals Daily
Frequent small portion of healthy meals will boost metabolism as food has some thermal effect. The recommended figure is six meals for men while five for women. This is never too much and it is time you put this into practice. Eating often will involve calorie burning during food absorption and breakdown.
The positive effect could be 10 times better when you dwell on frequent eating. In fact, you will be more energetic and less hungry. However the last meal should be at least an hour before you sleep. Unlike other diet plans, this way of eating will not cause deprivation. You may have difficulties dealing with consistent eating but the effect could turn out amusing.
Advice: Do not leave your stomach empty for too long. Hunger can make you prone to more food binging. Proper meals thrice a day is good to cope with your hunger.
Tip # 8 - Importance Of Protein
According to the Journal of Nutrition published by University of Illinois, having more protein in the food during weight loss can help to get rid of body fat and retain the muscle mass. The presence of L-leucine, an amino acid will provide spare muscles during weight loss thus only the fat are eliminated. Sustaining your muscles during your diet period can boost the calorie burning activity. Excess protein may cause calcium leaching from your bones, damage your kidneys so go moderately with the amount.
Advice: Try taking lean protein from beans, meat, fish and low-fat dairy products.
Tip #9 - Lose Weight
One great way to lose weight is having support from people around you. The Journal of the American Medical Association published by Brown University stated that successful dieters often have supporters around them. Perhaps you could have somebody of the same aspirations thus encouraging each other to work towards healthy eating and avoid inactivity.
Advice: Take a friendly losing weight competition to help boost your spirit towards your aim.
Tip #10 - Permanent Weight Lose
Take note, instead of losing weight, you should focus on losing fat to ensure a permanent weight loss. Losing weight will include water, muscles and fat. However, the reduction in lean muscle tissue can pull down the metabolic rate hence it is the muscles that you should maintain. With more muscles in your body, you can still lose weight even with more calorie consumption as the muscles will feed on the calories. You can lift weight or take in more protein to prevent your muscles to lose.
Advice: ForsLean, the famous diet pill content was patented for the ability to boost lean muscle tissue leading to continuous fat loss.
Tip #11 - Grains And Colorful Food
Whole grains and some colorful produce are rich in phytonutrients, complex carbohydrate yet low in calories and almost zero fat. Good sources of vitamin A, C, and K, fiber, potassium and folate are vegetables and fruits. Darker color tone will provide wealthier health benefits.
The phytonutrients in whole grains are also found to help prevent diabetes, heart disease and fight against cancer. Whole grains require longer digestion thus preventing hunger much longer. The recommended choice is foods made of 100% whole grains with diverse types of carbohydrates containing all the required minerals and vitamins.
Advice: Most products in the "Negative Calorie Foods" can aid your weight loss plan!
Tip #12 - Consume More Fiber
Fiber triggers fullness more quickly and dwell in the stomach longer than other foods hence decelerate the digestion process and sustain the full feeling. One whole grain bread serving can bring a double feeling effect compared to two white bread servings due to the richer fiber content.
Fiber also reduces fat absorption as it smoothen the digestive flow. Most white rice, sugary cereals or white bread already have the fiber removed. They will transform into glucose very soon and therefore, contribute to diabetes. With the abundance of glucose in blood, the body system will not burn fats yet begin storing them. The presence of fiber will keep sugar level in the blood.
Advice: Glucomannan is one of the cheapest fiber supplements to aid weight loss and maintain healthy weight as it can expand the stomach and absorb fats. It will remove the fats from the body and prevent fat digestion. It also takes up spaces in the stomach and sustains the fullness feel. Your body will then turn to fat storage for energy source. Dieters Cheaters Caps is the most popular Glucomannan supplement at a price of $0.52 a serving.
Tip #13 - Drink Plenty Of Water
Water is called the World's Cheapest Appetite Suppressant. Half the amount of your body weight is the quantity of water you should drink in a day so drink to be slim!
Tip #14 - Cheat Meals.
Sporadic treat food can help prevent deprivation. Depriving may lead to binging so a "Free Day" will help motivate you towards your goal. This is also a good way to avoid your body from switching to starvation mode - a possible occurrence after constant calorie control. However, keep your treats and cheats during the "Free Day" in modest amount. Two or three slices of pizza are alright but certainly not the whole pizza. It is definitely okay to blew your diet occasionally but be sure to get back on track. So basically cheat meals can be one of the pathways towards weight loss.
Tip #15 - Pamper Yourself
Everybody loves reward so you can certainly pamper yourself with something you like when you achieve any small goals. Rewarding yourself will enhance your confidence and higher self-esteem will avoid you from food binging. However, one important note - the reward should not be in the form of food. Shopping, spa, or movies are way better.
Our tips are based on science. These tips will hopefully help you successfully lose weight. By making changes in your lifestyle and eating habits you will be rewarded with life-long results.
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