Making a note of your weight loss journey can help in several ways. In the first instance it can to keep your focus very much aligned on your long-term goals. Mapping out your long-term weight loss goals is paramount to success and recording these goals will help you if you need to refer to them especially if you find your resolve weakening a little. Recording your weight loss journey also means that you can highlight your successes and any weaknesses and this will help you to understand yourself in a new way, helping you to stay strong, avoiding future temptations and keeping your dietary desires on the straight and narrow. In addition, a weight loss journey adds a unique element to your diet, it provides an insight into you and is one that you can share with others if you choose to do so.
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If you are serious about losing weight and recording your weight loss journey, then consider making an investment by purchasing a specific book in which to capture your progress, there are lots of beautifully made books with blank pages so choose one that you are really drawn to. Having a lovely book that is a pleasure to write in, will ensure you keep using it so as to record a little of yourself for posterity. Personalize your journey to health and fitness as much as possible because this enables you to feel committed to your goals.
If you are not sure what information to record in your book, then the following suggestions should help you maximize the benefits:
1. When recording your journey, start with a declaration about why you feel the need to lose weight. You can state how you feel both emotionally and physically and this can then serve as a constant reminder as to why you embarked on a weight loss program in the first instance.
2. A current photo can really provide impetus and you can add a new photo at various stages of your dietary success. Photos are fantastic ways to stimulate your motivation.
3. Write an affirmation at various stages on your diet. Affirmations are very powerful and designed to boost your willpower, so make sure your affirmation is written in a positive manner such as: I am going to stick to my weight loss program and lose weight successfully.
4. Write down your thoughts and feelings every day if you have the time. Write in a conversational style so that it is written in your voice. This will help to endorse your goals as you read it back.
5. Write a list of how you will feel when you are slimmer; make sure that you capture the feel-good factor.
6. Plan some treats en-route as this will keep you determined and striving for success. A treat such as an evening out to somewhere special or perhaps a trip to your favorite spa can help to boost your weight loss momentum yet further.
Whatever you decide to add when you record your weight loss journey, remember that it can become an emotional crutch for when you feel low but it will also be a beautiful record of the time that you decided to change your life in a positive way.
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